Your Potential Matrix
Have you ever heard that question floating around that asks if you could get all of the benefits of exercise and living healthy by taking a pill, would you take it?
Let’s call that the blue pill. You take the blue pill, the story ends. You get all the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle without ever exercising again, setting goals, meditating, reading, eating well, etc., but you still have to sleep; you’re still human.
You take the red pill, and you must put effort into living a healthy lifestyle if that is what you want. You exercise to get the benefits of exercising, you make the time and effort to eat well, you set goals, you meditate, and of course create a solid sleep routine that does not just happen as if you took the blue pill.
“Remember, all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more”
Which would you take?
Choose the blue pill, and we’re done. You can stop reading. I encourage you to put the screen down as well and get outside, but you took the blue pill. Screen time and mindless internet surfing are not an issue.
Choose the red pill, and keep reading. Let’s see how far down the rabbit hole actually goes.
By taking the red pill, you will put hard work in and be consistent.
By taking the red pill, you will feel pride and comfort in learning how to fuel and nourish your body before and after training.
By taking the red pill, you will fail to achieve some of your goals. You will crush others. Either way, the experiences you will have gained are immeasurable to anything a pill could give you.
By taking the red pill, you will make time for yourself because a side effect from all of the above is that you love yourself. You meditate, sleep well, eat well, and do things like making your time intentional by choosing to be in nature rather than spending mindless hours scrolling on social media.
By taking the red pill, it is like you took the Limitless pill inside The Matrix. But, since this is not actually a movie (or is it all really just a simulation?), you do not need a pill to access your potential.
By taking the red pill, which was a placebo all along, you will realize how much potential you already have inside of you.
If you are located in Central New Jersey, and interested in finding out how much potential is already inside you without taking the red or the blue pill, please email me at
If you are not in Central New Jersey, but still interested in finding out how much potential is already inside you without taking the red or the blue pill, please email me and ask about my remote options.