Better Training.


Strength, speed, and agility training.

My strength and conditioning program is for athletes who are ready to train better. No cutting corners, no easy quick fix, no magic pill, just hard work and consistency.

We will train better by progressing through aspects of physical strength such as bodyweight resistance, external loads, injury prevention, speed and agility, and more.

We will train better by taking care of your mind, too. This will cover nutrition, hydration, sleep, daily habits including social media consumption, and more.

Mindset training.

“Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical” - Yogi Berra.

I struggled with my mental health and my confidence throughout my youth athletic career and into my 20’s. I get what it’s like to have that hold you back, on and off the field.

Today I teach athletes and teams the tools that I discovered along the way, that I wish I had as an athlete, to help with mindset.

The truth is everyone has self-doubt and fear. Success happens when we learn to walk through it.

Contact Alana to have her come teach your team the tools she has used to build confidence and self-esttem.


Remote training.

If you could time travel, would you try to look into your future or would you change something about your past?

We have not yet figured out time travel, but we have figured out video communication on a global level.

I take full advantage of this by offering both my two previous services, strength training and mindset training, as well as mindset workshops and talks, virtually.

Get in touch.

Please fill out the form below only if you are ready to commit to getting better.