Birthday Blog
Updated 2023
While working with high schoolers the past few years, I’ve been mistaken as a student by many parents.
Similarly, when people stop to let me know how pretty Kya is they ask if she is a puppy.
Although we are not old, both of us our no spring chickens anymore. In honor of me turning 34 today and in honor of the fact that we don’t know Kya’s birthday (#rescuedoglife) but she is probably about 5.5 years old, here are 3 reasons I believe why we still look and feel young af:
The food we eat is top quality.
Yes, top quality food is more expensive. It is an investment we believe is worth it. We are so grateful that we have the access and affordability for it, so we get involved in helping others who do not have the same access.
We walk a lot. Like a lot. I mean, a lot.
Everyday, no matter what the weather is. In fact, I enjoy waking up early and spending the first hour or so of my day on a screen free walk with her and the rising sun. Yes, it partly sucks in the winter when it is 0 degrees and the sun does not come up at all, but there is still something so peaceful about that. Walking has so many benefits, and it’s free.
We take our sleep very seriously.
Why so serious? Because it makes #1 and #2 even more impactful. And without it, it can lead to hormonal imbalance, stress and anxiety, cardiovascular disease, memory loss, decreased learning capacity, immunodeficiency, and other things not to be taken lightly.
Bonus! 4. Our relationship. I have never loved a living thing this much. And I know that she also feels the same. Both of our stress levels have gone down significantly since we started to trust each other, too. What does this have to do with anything? Studies have shown that in Blue Zones, where people are the most fulfilled and live the longest, their fulfillment and longevity is associated with deep, meaningful relationships.
And don’t worry, although Kya does not get a birthday, she celebrates her gotcha day every year on December 31st.
But, who am I kidding? Really, everyday is a celebration of Queen Kya in this home.
If you live in Central New Jersey and are ready to level up this year, please use the form below to get in touch with me.
If you do not believe in Central New Jersey, but are still ready to level up, please use the form to ask me about my remote services.