Pro tips for Rainy Days
I don’t get the internet. Whenever I make reels, the ones I like the most get the least views or likes, and the ones that have me thinking, “I can’t believe I’m posting this” before I post them, get the most love.
My latest one, pro-tips for rainy days, is already racking up likes. If you don’t follow me on instagram, you’re missing out. Or, if you are reading in the future and the reel got lost in the IG algorithm, you can watch it on my youtube channel under Shorts. It’s the one called Rainy Days that is 9 seconds long:
To emphasis my point, my favorite videos are ‘Barbell for Barbell’ with 2 views and ‘Mindful Eating’ for a whopping 3 views.
I don’t get it.
Since y’all weirdos on IG liked the reel so much, here is a whole blog on things to do when the weather sucks. Because like the IG caption says, I can’t control the weather. But I can control what I do when the weather sucks. So, here are 10 pro tips for not letting rainy days get you down:
This can mean anything, not just making monkey bars out of things that aren’t really monkey bars. Some suggestions are: be a weirdo with Kya, build a fort, solve a puzzle, try to beat me in chess, work on your handstands, realize none of these involve screens…
Wear bright colors
I make it my mission to wear bright colors on rainy days.
You’ll see in the video that I wrote “I’m just doing correctives, no weights, and every little bit counts.” Not feeling like going to the gym and not having weights are not really an excuse when you have a body. Move it or lose it. If you move it, watch your mood move, too.
Self explanatory, yes. But I just want to make clear that I don’t just mean whip up some scrambled eggs and call it a day. I mean take some time to build that flavor with nourishing ingredients. Play chopped with your leftovers. Dance to Italian music while making fresh pasta.
Check out my book’s of the month (BOM) on IG for some suggestions, or my non-BOMs here:
Or since it’s a rainy day, read that book that you bought a few months ago that you’ve been meaning to get to.
Edit videos, or insert nerdy secret (or not-so-secret) hobby of your choice.
This one is on you.
Call people you like to talk to.
This is one of my favorites. I actually learned this trick from a recovery program. You can read more about my journey here: How Getting Sober Saved Me From My Eating Disorder. The article actually includes a similar list at the end meant for how to help you get out of yourself when you are struggling with mental health regardless of the weather.
Blast your favorite music and m,ake your own Vitamin D with disco lights (no, it doesn’t really work like that. Yes, there are special lights that do work like that).
Draw a picture.
It can be as silly, terrible, or as great you want it to be. But if you want it to be great, remember “the greats weren’t great because at birth they could paint. The greats were great because they paint a lot.” -Macklemore & Ryan Lewis “Ten Thousand Hours”
Go outside
Hey, you won’t melt. In fact, rainy day runs and rainy day backyard games can be a blast.
If you live in Central New Jersey and are done with this weather, me too.
We can’t control it, but we can control how we react to it by filling out the form below to find out more about my strength and conditioning services.
If you do not live in Central New Jersey, what’s the weather like where you live? Please let me know when in the form below when you are asking about my remote options.
If you coach, please use the form to ask about my design services.
If neither of the above apply to you and you just want to say hi, that’s cool, too.