Dear Seniors,

I know right now you are hearing back from colleges you applied to, if you have not already.

I know right now that this seems like a huge decision. Like your identity, your career, and the rest of your life is going to depend on where you go to college.

It doesn’t.

Even if you are a division level athlete or any type of student-athlete.

Even if you really really want to study a specific program in a certain school.

Even if you choose a college that doesn’t work for you.

You can transfer. You can take a break. You don’t have to get it right, or figure it all out right now.

I’m 32 and I still don’t have it all figured out.

But here is what I do have:

I do have a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree from two different schools in two different subjects.

I do have a job that I like, and a business I am building that I absolutely love.

More importantly, what I have figured out is that the following are the most important:

I do have a family that loves me, and who I enjoy spending quality time with today.

I do have great, supportive friendships today that I did not have in college because I was so crippled with anxiety and struggling with my mental health at the time.

I do have a solid foundation to support my mental health today. And my physical health.

I do have confidence in myself and faith in the universe that everything will work out, and if doesn’t, we’ll figure it out.

And of course, I also have Kya.

I’m a big believer that everything in our past shapes us into who we are today. I do not regret where I went to college, or what I studied. And maybe if where I went to college impacted my life more, I would have a different opinion. But it did impact my life. It shaped who I am today. And as corny as this sounds, I really am in love with who I am today.

I’m not saying that college is not an important decision. It is important to weigh pros and cons, and decide on a school that fits with you. But this decision will not make or break your life.

Working hard and being kind, those are things that make or break your life.


The Better Coach


If you live in Central NJ and are an athlete about to go to college or still have a few , please use the form below and ask me about my strength and conditioning programs.

If you do not live in Central NJ, please use the form to ask me about my remote options.

And coaches, one of my degrees is in art. Please use the form below if you would like help with your writing, graphics, videos, etc.



